Nest Chair

Material: Western red cedar
Dimensions: Variable

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In 2006, Vancouver saw a series of windstorms that hit Prospect Point in Stanley Park particularly hard, with over 10,000 trees being uprooted. After this storm, Brent looked to the brutalized trees around Vancouver and was struck by the birds, nests in the boughs.

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They were still delicately perched in the branches. The sheer resilience of them defied his imagination and struck a chord. The experience drove introspection on what is important and the parts of us and our lives that endure.

Like the nests in those trees, Brent’s design inhabits a space between art and design, with sculpted curves that envelop us in a feeling of comfort and security.

In the wild these constructions are used to nurture new life, and through this Nest we cultivate a sanctuary.

